10 Mart 2009 Salı

Player Substituted In

Beşiktaş seems posh when you look at it from Barbaros. It is just seen the colorful, lighted shops and buildings. However real Beşiktaş is hiding behind these ornaments. These are just a kind of camouflage and decoration. Continuing to walk down to street during the sunset. Sun goes behind the Kız Kulesi and thoughts pops up in mind that the how much we are distant to opposite side, life, happiness and success by just looking at sun that is greeting the city. At this time you just arrived the city core.

Firstly fishermen welcomes people, before entering Ihlamur. Beyond this point just shows the real Beşiktaş. All of old, crowded, jammed buildings that seems familiar from Kemal Sunal's films. A character from the movie just live there, that we can see or imagine. While cruising around, it is not hard to feel the spirit of all hanging lives from windows before we see and after we go. There are children, play football wearing Beşiktaş jersey. Lips smile and thoughts appear about the saying; “everybody become a fan of x”. This is like a concrete example of the sentence. I am a fan of Beşiktaş, that makes me happy and in this great place I am a just travaller passing through here that blackly shining and has a whitely hope. Except of me the others are not temporarily in here. They are the parts of a puzzle and stand for years.

You enter an apartment and walk up the stairs. It is narrow and spiral ladders makes you bored but puts into the stories happened in here. It is an understanding shows you are not in a familiar apartment that can be found in Bahçelievler or Ayrancı. At the end of the ladders, it is time to confront with objective in order to reach to goal. You can easily find a way as a objective to go to İstanbul. Since you decide that you also need a strong cause to go. İstanbul is not a cause. Football matches in the historic and scenic stadium, playing computer games with best person in the world, missing love are all a good cause for achieve to go to İstanbul. Under these circumstances it is possible to see the huge impact of the happiness on person that is not aware of his hunger and sleeplessness. Just waits for a magical touch from an angel and being happy and full again. This is the chance to turn back to reality of the wild and cruel world.

More than one year later, there is an opportunity to meet in same place. However, the big cause to come to İstanbul completely shades the big, possible happiness in this place. For whom the bells toll? This is a complete separation from the flat. On the other hand people think that is more than leaving the flat. They are just preparing to leave all memories and feelings. For a moment they stopped to put stuff on boxes. You are on the narrow side of the big emotional line separates the situation, crying or not. With full eyes they continues to put stuff in boxes by looking at walls with shattered heart. Unwillingly all the actions and decisions are. It is seen a new life and experiences at the end of the tunnel as a little candle light.

8 Mart 2009 Pazar

Snow in Ankara

He was dressed, went out and slowly downed the stairs on the morning of the loneliness and the silence. School bag on his back had more than books. It was bruised of years and a truly burden on his shoulder. Downed darkness of the early of the day seemed so suitable for this man.

He continued to walk and arrived the bus-stop, saw the very long queue, stood at the end of the queue hopelessly and had a reckless lookup to barely shining sun. He thought about late minibus while was losing himself in a blurry horizon as realisation of the possible future in the clashing clouds. Time has passed, the line became crowded. He thinks he was very behind of the line as he was not able to reach vehicle on time whereas the end of the line was too far from the bus-stop that was not seen from the place, child stood. Minibus arrived with growls later. It did not look like others-it was new, large, clean and it had bright glasses. People started to get in it. When it was full, boy ran front of the line and shouted through the door "inside, inside". Driver immediately stopped and child jumped in. Boy was used to travel on stand. He put his bag on floor and got some money from his pocket. He gave all coins to driver. They went long and long. There were people to get in and get out of. Interior become crowded during the way. Time had come at last. The child yelled to driver: "in an available place, please". Man looked at him from the rear view mirror, quickly moves vehicle to right side of the road, opened the door. Minibus quickly went. Child crossed the street and stop in front of the school. He looked at it like a deep sigh was. Meanwhile pouring rain stopped and turned into snow immediately. He quickly entered the building.

He imagined a story that can tell his all feelings freely and honestly. It is certain that he cannot able to share his own world to another people. It is a way to introduce flying images in his mind by writing. Thus anybody can able to read and feel pity about him. His only and biggest desire was that. Asking for sympathy. His thoughts-in the form of a story of life in Ankara, could tell the most beautiful expression. It comes to mind for every boarding minibuses. When he sees it, while he is passing near, being in İstanbul, touching gliding snow flakes at the moment, feeling the summer heat on his head... All of these are the most beautiful images which tell the city. It is reflection on faces of people of vain Ankara. Loved it was, and a lot of about this city. To be frank; Istanbul is legendary and awesome, however Ankara is a huge part of him. He totally dependent on Ankara desperately.